Premium Cards vs Non-Premium Cards

premium-cards-vs-non-premium-cards Thread
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Kyorua 1 week ago
I have a question for you guys, when collecting Premiums, say you have a playset of a card Ex: Deshaan Avenger in normal version, but have three in Premium, would you guys keep both versions? Or disenchant the normal version. Alongside that, for your profile bar on the game client; does anyone know whether or not having solely premium versions will fill that bar (ex will having three premium but no normal versions of a card still count towards the collection percentage on there?)


DarkVaati 1 week ago
I don’t really like the lame design of premium cards in ESL, so I’m basically burning them for gems as soon as they appear, but if I had to colect them (as I did with golden cards in HS) I’d definitely keep the regular playset too. The amount of gems you get from soul trapping common or rare cards is just too low to make it really worth, in my opinion, and in addition I wouldn’t want to be manually trapping them one by one each time another copy appears in a card pack (since you can’t auto-trap cards you don’t already own two copies of).

Same here. I don´t like the Design, too. But i keep both Sets. When the Game brings me more same Cards i dust it.


DMaster2 1 week ago
I always soul trap the premium cards i pull because i don’t really care about bling and my collection is far from being completed

SunEagle 1 week ago
DMaster2 wrote:
I always soul trap the premium cards i pull because i don’t really care about bling and my collection is far from being completed

Same for me

SunEagle wrote:
DMaster2 wrote:
I always soul trap the premium cards i pull because i don’t really care about bling and my collection is far from being completed

Same for me

Me too! I’m eager to complete my collection, so I’m happy to get all the soul gems I can…

mss747 2 days ago
am i the only one who wants to make a golden dekc one day

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