Deck List

deck-list-1957 Deck

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  • Copy the code above by pressing “Copy to Clipboard”.
  • Launch The Elder Scrolls: Legends
  • Press the “New Deck” button
  • The game should automatically detect your deck.
  • Profit!

The Best Aggro Deck Of All Time (LEGEND)

3 [card]Curse[/card]
3 [card]Rapid Shot[/card]
3 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Daring Cutpurse[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Archer’s Gambit[/card]
1 [card]Astrid[/card]
3 [card]Brotherhood Slayer[/card]
3 [card]Dune Smuggler[/card]
3 [card]Goblin Skulk[/card]
3 [card]Earthbone Spinner[/card]
1 [card]Garnag, Dark Adherent[/card]
1 [card]Reive, Blademaster[/card]
3 [card]Cliff Racer[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
2 [card]Triumphant Jarl[/card]
1 [card]Aela the Huntress[/card]
3 [card]Belligerent Giant[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
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To The Elder Scrolls: Legends: Export to The Elder Scrolls: Legends To BBCode: Export BB Code File BB Code:
By: morphlingX
View other Decks by morphlingX
Posted: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
Outdated (Skyrim patch)
Crafting Cost: 13400crystal-5863813
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.

Been face rolling ranked so far this season all the way up to legend with this deck. Now rank #22 and still rolling…

So yeah enjoy winning and up vote after you do. Be aware it might take a little bit of practice to completely understand how to utilize this deck to it’s best ability. But face is the place. As hard and as often as possible.

If you run into me with my deck then just auto concede though wink-5484145

Edit: For whoever else is having problems understanding my sarcasm. Yes the title and parts of this short post is not to be taken literally. Thank you!


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VItalz 2 years ago
Good job man, seems very consistent deck!
But why you need so mush draw cards? 3 copies of а Thieves Guild Recruit is a necessary here?
You dont have to much 7+ cost cards, maybe should try to change for Traitor or Shield breaker?
Anyway a solid deck, will try it for sure.
Thank you!
1 Reply
morphlingX 2 years ago
Traitor could probably work well but I don’t have 3 of it so I haven’t really bothered trying it. Shield breaker isn’t really needed though since there is already a lot of removal and moving around etc.

That said drawing cards is always great even if you don’t get the reduce cost effect. Thieves guild recruit is also actually more useful on board then you might think when you move cards around so much with this deck.

Anyway I pretty much was unbeaten between rank 5 and 1 so… Try it, understand it and you are guaranteed to win a lot of games.

VItalz 2 years ago
morphlingX wrote:
Traitor could probably work well but I don’t have 3 of it so haven’t really bothered trying it. Shield breaker isn’t really needed though since there is already a lot of removal and moving around etc.

That said drawing cards is always great even if you don’t get the reduce cost effect. Thieves guild recruit is also actually more useful on board then you might think when you move cards around so much with this deck.

Anyway I pretty much was unbeaten between rank 5 and 1 so… Try it, understand it and you are guaranteed to win a lot of games.

Thank you for the fast and usefull answer, i’ll try it!
Good luck!

This deck feels dirty to play. +1
Great deck, and very consistent!
Went from rank 4 to rank 1 in about 4 hours. Awesome deck.

Meta shifted though and now I find it very hard to win vs all the aggro though.

morphlingX 2 years ago
Jonathan M wrote:
Went from rank 4 to rank 1 in about 4 hours. Awesome deck.

Meta shifted though and now I find it very hard to win vs all the aggro though.

This deck is actually very strong against aggro if run correctly. My tip is don’t be afraid to race them! Just keep pinging their minions (curse, gambit, spinner, leaflurker etc) while not loosing yours and you can beat the fastest of decks with it.

1 Reply
DeMoNiC 2 years ago
It’s not even that it is good vs aggro if run correctly. It is only good vs aggro if you get the right cards at the right time or you stand no chance. I like this deck a lot, and won 15 games in a row with it on casual , then went 1-5 with it in ranked . Losing almost only to aggro decks that got the EXACT cards that they needed at the PERFECT times. Meanwhile I could have easily won had I pulled specific cards that I didn’t. That being said I really do love the deck and have been maining it to run further testing on it.
do you stream or have a youtube channel? Would love to see some video of this deck in action because honestly I just don’t get it frown-9858370
1 Reply
o1of 2 years ago
This is a pretty standard midrange archer deck with Archer’s Gambit added after HOS expansion. Should be plenty of videos with similar decks.
I was curious because of the funny deck title, but also the crazy win rate on your pictures. It took short time with this deck to go up from rank 3 to legend #299. Very consistent in the current meta, Aela was a positive surprise for me and I didn’t even miss the good old Mournhold Traitor. Thanks!
raydawg2000 wrote:
do you stream or have a youtube channel? Would love to see some video of this deck in action because honestly I just don’t get it frown-9858370

I don’t have a stream but I’ve had others requesting videos of it on twitch etc. who is also having problems figuring the deck out. Right now I’m quite busy with other things in life to be honest (I haven’t really played much for about a week now actually) but if I do find some time I’ll try to record something. I’ll post a link to it in here when/if that happens.

flashbender wrote:
I was curious because of the funny deck title, but also the crazy win rate on your pictures. It took short time with this deck to go up from rank 3 to legend #299. Very consistent in the current meta, Aela was a positive surprise for me and I didn’t even miss the good old Mournhold Traitor. Thanks!

You’re very welcome smile-7413686

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