Deck List

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Hard Hitting Token Monk (w/ explanation)

3 [card]Marked Man[/card]
3 [card]Scouting Patrol[/card]
3 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
3 [card]Daring Cutpurse[/card]
3 [card]Fifth Legion Trainer[/card]
3 [card]Mournhold Traitor[/card]
3 [card]Priest of the Eight[/card]
3 [card]Eastmarch Crusader[/card]
3 [card]Pit Lion[/card]
3 [card]Resolute Ally[/card]
3 [card]Cloudrest Illusionist[/card]
1 [card]Dawnbreaker[/card]
3 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
3 [card]Imperial Reinforcements[/card]
1 [card]Ahnassi[/card]
3 [card]Cliff Racer[/card]
3 [card]Divine Fervor[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
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To The Elder Scrolls: Legends: Export to The Elder Scrolls: Legends To BBCode: Export BB Code File BB Code:
By: Xaos73
View other Decks by Xaos73
Posted: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
Outdated (1.66.1 patch)
Crafting Cost: 9900crystal-2561777
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UPDATE: I just went from rank 3 to Legend with this deck with about a 68% WR. It’s not really Aggro – it’s more of a Tempo deck since you want to seize and maintain board control until you can burst lethal, usually on turn 6 or 7.

Legend Proof

DECK CHANGE 16 AUG: I swapped in Cliff Racer instead of Thieves’ Den. Thieves Den was so much fun, but Cliff Racer is more consistently good across the board, like when you have an empty board or need to take out a problematic creature.

DECK CHANGE 30 AUG: I took out 2x Thieves Guild Shadowfoot and Legate Rikke and put in 3x Daring Cutpurse. This reduces the hit rate for Resolute Ally from 88% to 82%, but the Cutpurses have great value if they get rolling. I also swapped out Imprison for Piercing Javelin. After the nerf to Imprison, it just isn’t worth including.

Everyone is playing Yellow token decks lately. Token Mage, Token Crusader, even good old Token Spellsword. What about Token Monk? Read on …

Token decks try play as many small creatures as possible – the Flood and Buff strategy. But I think the main card that is making Yellow token decks so strong right now is actually Pit Lion, because it can trade with almost anything early and stay alive.

After playing the other 3 classes, I realized that I was winning more often when I had a few big early game creatures rather than a whole board of little creatures. I was more successful when I would keep making smart trades and still maintain a board rather than just try to race with small minions. That’s when I realized that Green might be the best complementary color for Token decks due to one card alone – Mr. Mournhold Traitor (Pit Lion’s little brother).

Most token decks have pretty much the same shell of the same 40+ Yellow cards. The question is what cards from the complementary colors you want to run with those. The other colors all have great 2-drops (Blue – Wardcrafter, Red – Rift Thane, and Purple – Wind Keep Spellsword), but I think that Mournhold Traitor is even better in a tempo game.

Green doesn’t have a great 3-drop for this deck, so I run Thieves Guild Shadowfoot instead, which makes Resolute Ally‘s hit rate 88%. The higher probability has really made a difference (Token Mage is only 82% since it runs 9 Blue cards).

As far as 4-drops go, Blue’s Lightning Bolt is probably the best but the other Green card that has surprised me is Thieves’ Den (Divine Fervor‘s cousin). If you are able to get even a few creatures to stick a turn, it can really start to snowball by putting your creatures out of trading range.

Ahnassi has also been a pleasant surprise. I can’t tell you how many times she has won me the game by stealing Guard keywords and letting me finish off my opponent.

Card choices (w/ potential replacements for epics and legendaries):

Mournhold Traitor – Huge body, especially on T1 with the ring. Replace with Daring Cutpurse, but it’s not nearly as good.

Pit Lion – The game is usually over if you can get this out on T2 with the ring (assuming you are able to play Scouting Patrol or Marked Man on T1). Call of Valor is the best replacement, but try Baandari Bruiser or Dune Smuggler if necessary.

Thieves Guild Shadowfoot – I am a fan of this card, we are breaking runes all over the place and it is nice to avoid prophecies when possible, plus you draw a card from your opponent. Replace with Morthal Executioner if you want a bigger body with upside.

Cloudrest Illusionist – It took me awhile to come around on this card, but now I am a huge believer. Token decks are not all about going face – you need to maintain board control on one side at least so you can buff your creatures. Illusionist helps you make trades when necessary while keeping your creatures alive. Hard to replace, but maybe try Hive Warrior for the big body.

I’ve got Dawnbreaker, Legate Rikke, and Ahnassi as unique legendaries. The Black Dragon is a good replacement for any of those – more for the nice body than for the banish effect since the game won’t go long enough for it to matter. You can substitute in as many copies of Cliff Racer as you need if you are missing any of these legendaries.

Thieves’ Den and Divine Fervor – These are the big buffs to the entire board that break your opponent’s back. The only other cards with a similar buff effect are Hidden Trail and War Cry, but they are quite a bit worse.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for improvements. Thanks!

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Azutmioh 2 years ago
Nice deck, thanks. I’m tearing through the lower ranks right now. I don’t have Thieves Den, so I am using Cliff Racer instead.

1 Reply
Xaos73 2 years ago
Yeah, I have been wanting to try that too but didn’t want to change anything until I hit legend. I will give that a shot.

Thieves’ Den is insane when you have a board, which is what the deck tries to do all the time. But sometimes you could use the punch that Cliff Racer gives, especially on an empty board.

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