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Rank 1 (Almost Legend) Control Combo Monk

3 [card]Execute[/card]
1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
2 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
1 [card]Astrid[/card]
3 [card]Brotherhood Slayer[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Sanctuary Pet[/card]
3 [card]Cloudrest Illusionist[/card]
1 [card]Dawnbreaker[/card]
3 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
3 [card]Master of Thieves[/card]
1 [card]The Black Dragon[/card]
3 [card]Thieves’ Den[/card]
1 [card]Ahnassi[/card]
2 [card]Phalanx Exemplar[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
1 [card]Sails-Through-Storms[/card]
3 [card]Eclipse Baroness[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
2 [card]Mantikora[/card]
1 [card]Miraak, Dragonborn[/card]
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By: SzGamer227
View other Decks by SzGamer227
Posted: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
Outdated (ForgottenHero patch)
Crafting Cost: 19350crystal-7873430
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Two months on the ladder and this deck has given me tons of success. I hit Legend rank in January, but this deck struggled against Conscription+Journey decks (since the combo will almost always decide a Control mirror) and the combo got nerfed too late for me to finish the grind. This deck is definitely Legend capable, just didn’t quite make it and I’m dead tired. “^.^

In a nutshell, this is a standard Control Monk list that includes Master of Thieves and Thieves’ Den. You control lanes until you draw your combo pieces and use your combo to more than double your effective damage and achieve lethal with an otherwise unassuming board.

The Basics

As you might expect, having board presence is the most important part of this deck. Every creature you have on your board can become twice as powerful at a moment’s notice when you play your combo, but in order for it to work, you have to have creatures on the board in the first place. Controlling the Field Lane is very important as a result, because if you can maintain ~12 damage in the Field Lane and draw your combo, you can outright win the game. (More on that later!) You should still be quick to respond to threats in the Shadow Lane, but taking the Field Lane limits your opponents options and lets you safely build up damage and utility.

Cards that put damage on the board and remove enemy threats are extremely valuable in this archetype, and for this deck especially. Mantikora, Tazkad the Packmaster and Miraak, Dragonborn can turn a game around by removing a large threat from your opponent and simultaneously setting up a winning board. Cloudrest Illusionist, in addition to being one of the strongest Prophecies in the game and synergizing with Execute, gives you way to trade into enemy creatures without compromising your own. Throw in some potent Legendaries, a few beefy Guards, and 2-3 cost cards to control the earlygame and you have everything you need to stay on the board while keeping your opponent away from your face.

Speaking of the earlygame, you want to seize control of the Field Lane as soon as you can; you should even consider tossing combo pieces from your starting hand when you don’t have immediate earlygame options to improve the chances of getting your 2-3 cost cards. Lethal and Slay creatures are a great way to discourage your opponent from trying to contest the Field Lane, which will give you a safe place to build up power later in the game and bottleneck aggro decks to the Shadow lane, which you can control with actions and Guards.

The Combo

If you don’t know how it works, Thieves Den gives all of your creatures Pilfer, and Master of Thieves lets them attack an extra time each turn. Your board is now more than twice as scary, and if you played it right, your opponent will very likely die.

Always play Thieve’s Den and attack with all of your creatures before you play Master of Thieves for the extra attack. You don’t want to hit a Prophecy that destroys or Silences your Master of Thieves, so reduce those chances as much as possible.

You’re going to want to keep these in your hand until you can play them both on the same turn that you kill your opponent. With lots of ways to remove creatures and support cards, only play your combo pieces outside of a full combo if you absolutely need to. You can spare a Thieves’ Den if you have an extra in your hand, or play Master of Thieves early if you’re desperate, but if there’s a chance that you can maintain board presence without them, try to hold out.

Quick Maths

So how do you know when your combo will deal enough damage to kill your opponent?

First, clear any Guards that are in the way. Then add together the damage from all your creatures that are going to hit your opponent’s face.

If you can play one Master of Thieves on the board, double that damage and add 1 for each creature that hit your opponent on their first attack. (They attack twice, and have +1/+1 for their second attack.) Then add the damage of any creatures you used to clear Guards and survived. (They hit you opponent’s face once on their second attack.)

If you have enough magicka to play a Crushing Blow that is in your hand, add its 3 damage too. If you can play Dawnbreaker, add 8.

If you are able to play a second Den of Thieves, add 2 damage per Pilfer instead of 1.

If you can play two Master of Thieves on the board, things get interesting. Triple the damage of creatures that hit face on their first attack, and then add 3 for each. (They attack three times, first with base damage, second with +1,+1, and a third time with +2/+2.) Any creatures that cleared Guards and survived deal double damage plus 1.

If you can deal more damage to your opponent’s face than they have health, your combo can kill them. Play Thieves’ Den, attack with all your creatures, Master of Thieves, attack again, 2nd Master, attack a third time.

Never Surrender

It is very hard to get knocked completely out of the game with this deck. With a standard combo, you only need 14 damage on the board between at least 2 creatures to kill an opponent with 30 health, or 12 damage to kill at 26 health.

A full monster-size combo with two Masters of Thieves can kill an opponent that has 30 health as long as you have 8 damage on the board between 2 creatures. If they have 26 health, you only need 7. 3 Shriveled Mummies can kill an opponent with 27 health.

All of the above combos can be executed for under 12 magicka with 8 magicka being needed for the basic one, so your opponent will have no idea how close they are to dying spectacularly until the turn you play the combo.

Every Card Explained

Execute – This is great for dealing with small Ward and Lethal creatures that tend to muck things up, as well as creatures with ongoing effects that have low attack such as Fifth Legion Trainer. Once you put these in your deck, you’ll realize how many creatures this card answers. Can also be combo’d with Cloudrest Illusionist to destroy a creature with 6 power or less.

Ungolim the Listener – An extremely low-burden card that can generates a ton of value. Brotherhood Assassins are 1-cost 3/3 creatures with Lethal that draw you a card, so they are massively cost effective to play and don’t slow down your deck cycling.

Bruma Profiteer – Monk has a shortage of good Control 2-drops, but I consider this guy to be one of them. He can be a lifesaver against aggro and midrange decks since your opponent has to delay damaging your face to answer before he starts racking up healing, and if left alone can become a serious speed bump.

Guild Recruits – Core to any Agility Control deck. FGR is a powerful Prophecy that excels at board control and TGR is a cheap deck-cycler that can reduce the cost of your biggest-impact cards by 1.

Astrid and Brotherhood Slayer – Earning even a single Completed Contract can reduce the amount of time you’re waiting to play a critical card by 1 turn. Playing Astrid before slaying with a Lethal creature can give you a contract your opponent didn’t anticipate. Slayer’s Prophecy can also catch your opponent off-guard and give you fuel against Aggro and Midrange decks.

Crushing Blow – Versatile form of removal with excellent reach. 3 damage can go a long way, and finishing a game by throwing it face is a really cheeky way to win.

Sanctuary Pet – Very impactful tempo play that can prevent your opponent’s creatures from causing unwanted damage (to your face or your own creatures) and gives them a Lethal creature to worry about.

Cloudrest Illusionist – The best Prophecy creature in the game. Her Summon effect lets you trade into enemy creatures without compromising your board state. She can reduce the damage your opponent deals on their turn by 4. She can be combo’d with Execute to destroy a creature with 6 power or less. This chick is a hero.

Dawnbreaker – This card is a powerful trading tool and an excellent combo piece even without the gimmick, but smiting a large undead creature that would have caused you serious problems just feels unfair. This card can really cause Endurance decks to suffer.

Hive Defender – A real trooper. 3/6 for 4 are the magic numbers for an extremely impactful guard that threatens a huge number of other creatures and can seriously slow down your opponent.

Master of Thieves and Theives’ Den – Your vital combo pieces. These cards were covered in the sections above.

The Black Dragon – A big body for her cost with a Slay effect that can disrupt your opponent’s deck, cause your opponent to destroy their creatures instead of hitting your face, play creatures as far away as possible from her, or at the very least eat a removal action that cost just as much or more than she did. She also helps a lot with contesting opposing Lethal lanes.

Ahnassi – Solves your Guard/Ward/Drain/Lethal problems with ease and simultaneously gives your opponent a Guard/Ward/Drain problem of their own.

Phalanx Exemplar – A Hive Defender with big damage. Great for blocking and trading into 5/5 creatures. His text will sometimes come into play if you run into a Prophecy during your combo that stalls the game, but his stats are the star of the show.

Piercing Javelin – The staple Prophecy hard removal action. Not much needs to be said. It’s used in 77% of Willpower decks for a reason.

Sails-Through-Storms – Her Pilfer produces ridiculous value due to the high average creature cost of this deck. Also benefits from Master of Thieves which can cause some serious damage to your opponent and hugely boost your board.

Eclipse Baroness – Cycles your deck and gives you seriously strong discounts on whatever she draws. Deck cycling is obviously important for combo decks, and the cost reduction works extremely well with the high cost of your late-game cards.

Tazkad the Packmaster – Powerful way to control your opponent’s board, and has lingering board presence if it dies. Available sooner than Mantikora which is a big deal, but doesn’t have Guard and can’t reach the Shadow Lane.

Mantikora – Your basic hard removal + big creature combo. Less impactful than his siblings Tazkad and Miirak, but with Guard. A huge play that can completely turn games around if you build up enough magicka to play it.

Miirak, Dragonborn – The biggest tempo play in the game with the exception of Alduin. Play a 5/5 creature, remove an enemy creature and move it to your side of the board. The power this card has to completely ruin your opponent’s game plan and force them to deal with a huge threat that they also no longer have makes it a must-have.

Missing some Legendary cards?

Don’t worry! The first month I played this deck, I hit Legend without using the full list. You can definitely make it work without all the Legendary cards.

If you’re missing copies of Thieve’s Den, you can run Bandit Ringleader to give you a large amount of draw, which can pull combo pieces or give you more options for upcoming turns. It can also be used in combination with Master of Thieves to give a lane of creatures an extra attack for a turn. You can also use Dagi-raht Mystics as a way to draw Den of Thieves directly from your deck.

You can’t go wrong with a third copy of Mantikora if you’re missing a mid- to lategame card. Other midgame cards you might not have can be replaced with a third copy of Phalanx Exemplar and/or Snowy Sabre Cats, which are great for controlling and threatening your opponents’ small creatures, and deals 12 damage face with a basic double-tap combo.

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Fox3481 1 year ago
Nice deck, just gave it a quick shot, Works fine… I just replaced the 2 Brumas with Shadowfoots, dont see them heal much and prefer messing with my opponents card draw lol. Not many two drops that make sense in this deck

1 Reply
SzGamer227 1 year ago
Bruma can help delay against midrange and aggro decks, if only because your opponent will use some of their resources on killing it instead of hitting your face. He will generate a significant amount of health if played on turn 1-2 and left alone.

I took out the Brumas once and immediately had my ass handed to me by a couple of aggro decks over the next games, so I took it as a lesson and but them back in lol

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