Deck List

deck-list-1223 Deck
2 Imprison
3 Scouting Patrol
3 Bruma Profiteer
3 Fifth Legion Trainer
3 Kvatch Soldier
3 Wind Keep Spellsword
3 Eastmarch Crusader
3 Haunting Spirit
1 Pit Lion
3 Resolute Ally
3 Young Mammoth
3 Divine Fervor
1 Edict of Azura
3 Imperial Reinforcements
3 Midnight Sweep
1 War Cry
2 Imperial Siege Engine
2 Piercing Javelin
2 Shadowfen Priest
1 General Tullius
2 Golden Saint

Top 50 Legend Budget Aggro Tokens

2 [card]Imprison[/card]
3 [card]Scouting Patrol[/card]
3 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
3 [card]Fifth Legion Trainer[/card]
3 [card]Kvatch Soldier[/card]
3 [card]Wind Keep Spellsword[/card]
3 [card]Eastmarch Crusader[/card]
3 [card]Haunting Spirit[/card]
1 [card]Pit Lion[/card]
3 [card]Resolute Ally[/card]
3 [card]Young Mammoth[/card]
3 [card]Divine Fervor[/card]
1 [card]Edict of Azura[/card]
3 [card]Imperial Reinforcements[/card]
3 [card]Midnight Sweep[/card]
1 [card]War Cry[/card]
2 [card]Imperial Siege Engine[/card]
2 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
2 [card]Shadowfen Priest[/card]
1 [card]General Tullius[/card]
2 [card]Golden Saint[/card]
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endurance willpower
Spellsword deck
50 cards
1 Imprison 2


1 Scouting Patrol 3

Scouting Patrol

2 Bruma Profiteer 3

Bruma Profiteer

2 Fifth Legion Trainer 3

Fifth Legion Trainer

2 Kvatch Soldier 3

Kvatch Soldier

2 Wind Keep Spellsword 3

Wind Keep Spellsword

3 Eastmarch Crusader 3

Eastmarch Crusader

3 Haunting Spirit 3

Haunting Spirit

3 Pit Lion 1

Pit Lion

3 Resolute Ally 3

Resolute Ally

3 Young Mammoth 3

Young Mammoth

4 Divine Fervor 3

Divine Fervor

4 Edict of Azura 1

Edict of Azura

4 Imperial Reinforcements 3

Imperial Reinforcements

4 Midnight Sweep 3

Midnight Sweep

4 War Cry 1

War Cry

5 Imperial Siege Engine 2

Imperial Siege Engine

5 Piercing Javelin 2

Piercing Javelin

5 Shadowfen Priest 2

Shadowfen Priest

6 General Tullius 1

General Tullius

6 Golden Saint 2

Golden Saint


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By: Erlexx
View other Decks by Erlexx
Posted: 1 month ago, edited 1 month ago
Crafting Cost: 7500crystal
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


This isn’t as cheap as some of my other decks, but still easily obtainable without paying money in a few weeks ( I did it!).

Typical strategy is go aggro on everything except aggro. You should be able to board control aggro early by dumping a lot on the board at once.

This exact deck has me currently at rank 46 legend at the end of the August season. Its a really really solid deck, and you start with many of the cards to make it work.

Tullius -> Golden Saint
Golden Saint -> Senche Tiger
Anything 3 cost or less -> Bruma Armorer (this card can be great, but is WAY too often removed immediately)


Archer matchup: Against archer mulligan every time the imperial reinforcement and if you have early drops 2 or 3 keep Divine Fervor, that is a key card in this matchup, try to seize the board quickly, don’t do a lot of trades, and go face as much as you can, only trades you should do are if there is a murkwater savage on the field in the early game. Against Archer Face IS THE PLACE. You don’t have a lot of card draw so if you have early game in hand like Bruma Profiteer and Fifth Legion Trainer or Wind Keep Spellsword or Mammoth, keep the Eastmarch Crusader, he is one of the best cards in the game.

Aggro decks(red/yellow, red/blue): This matchups shouldn’t be a problem, always mulligan for the early game, Scouting Patrol and Bruma Profiteer shine in this matchup. Don’t go face against this matchups until you have the board secured and you see the opponent is out of cards, because 9/10 times they will run out of cards very quickly, so don’t break any runes or otherwise you might just give them enough fuel to end you. Even if they will play Jarl at 6 you by then will have full board control and not care about his 2 cards that he has drawn, you can then start going face and lethal him in 1/2 turns.

Blue/purple(wards deck usually): This matchup is a bit more tricky, you want to go face and put a lot of pressure on them but the placement of your minions has to be perfect and you never overextend in this matchup. Good ward players will play with 2 or 3 firestroms in their decks and 2 or 3 icestroms, so if you overextend and they draw an icestorm you’re most likely going to lose. In my experience playing as both wards and tokens this matchup is one of the most strange ones. Sometimes I get stomped by all the aggression and the divine fervor stacking rendering Icestorm and firestorms useless, and sometimes the ward deck just draws perfectly, builds the board slowly but with sticky minions like Shornhelm Champion get big after a Icestrom wipes your board and it’s game over. That being said I still believe that wards are the more draw dependent class in order to win against tokens.

Blue/Yellow( if it’s blue yellow tokens I feel your favored so I won’t get in detail against that matchup). Action focused decks are the toughest, they usually have firebolt for the early game, firestorm for the mid game, they control the board usually and end up blasting you with Hexmage after they cleared your board repeatedly and you run out of cards. The Control mage decks are aren’t usually a problem if you get going on with aggression early, keep in the mulligan divine fervor and then place your minions in both lanes, usually ending the game by turn 7/8, I had a game with this deck where I won turn 4, so this deck surely has some firepower. That being said again if the have the firebolt and removal and start taking out creatures one by one and you don’t keep up the pressure then there is no chance you can win.

Green/purple (Ramp): I think scout is one of the best matchups, they don’t have a lot of mass removal, their lethal creatures are useless almost against your tokens and you slowly build up a board so big that they can’t answer it, Chaurus Reaper is the only card you have to keep in mind, but probably useless anyway if you have a divine fervor. Their big taunts? You don’t have to worry about them Edict of Azura, Javelin are your best friends. What if Iron atronach hits the board ? Well you probably have 2 full lanes by then so it’s not a big deal. What if there are 2 Iron Atronachs, one in each lane ? Well then you either pray or have a Shadowfen Priest and go by it. You get my point guys, this matchup is easy and you shouldn’t have problems with it.

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