Deck List

deck-list-276 Deck
3 Lesser Ward
3 Brutal Ashlander
3 Firebolt
3 Shadow Shift
3 Abecean Navigator
3 Crystal Tower Crafter
3 Daring Cutpurse
2 Goblin Skulk
3 Ice Spike
3 Soul Split
3 Camlorn Hero
3 Crushing Blow
3 Cunning Ally
2 Swindler’s Market
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Royal Sage
2 Lillandril Hexmage
2 Smuggler’s Haul

[Budget / Starter] Aggro/Action Assassin

3 [card]Lesser Ward[/card]
3 [card]Brutal Ashlander[/card]
3 [card]Firebolt[/card]
3 [card]Shadow Shift[/card]
3 [card]Abecean Navigator[/card]
3 [card]Crystal Tower Crafter[/card]
3 [card]Daring Cutpurse[/card]
2 [card]Goblin Skulk[/card]
3 [card]Ice Spike[/card]
3 [card]Soul Split[/card]
3 [card]Camlorn Hero[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]Cunning Ally[/card]
2 [card]Swindler’s Market[/card]
3 [card]Lightning Bolt[/card]
3 [card]Royal Sage[/card]
2 [card]Lillandril Hexmage[/card]
2 [card]Smuggler’s Haul[/card]
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Assassin deck
50 cards
0 Lesser Ward 3

Lesser Ward

1 Brutal Ashlander 3

Brutal Ashlander

1 Firebolt 3


1 Shadow Shift 3

Shadow Shift

2 Abecean Navigator 3

Abecean Navigator

2 Crystal Tower Crafter 3

Crystal Tower Crafter

2 Daring Cutpurse 3

Daring Cutpurse

2 Goblin Skulk 2

Goblin Skulk

2 Ice Spike 3

Ice Spike

2 Soul Split 3

Soul Split

3 Camlorn Hero 3

Camlorn Hero

3 Crushing Blow 3

Crushing Blow

3 Cunning Ally 3

Cunning Ally

3 Swindler’s Market 2

Swindler's Market

4 Lightning Bolt 3

Lightning Bolt

4 Royal Sage 3

Royal Sage

5 Lillandril Hexmage 2

Lillandril Hexmage

6 Smuggler’s Haul 2

Smuggler's Haul


Last Gasp3
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By: Vinther
View other Decks by Vinther
Posted: 2 weeks ago
Updated: 5 days ago
Up to date (Patch-1-61 patch)
Crafting Cost: 3550crystal
Missing Soul Gems: Add your collection to see the soul gems you are missing.


This is the Assassin deck for the Budget/Starter/F2P/Beginner series.

The key feature here is good aggro/combo potential.

NB! Efficient and cheap replacements for Swindler’s Market would be Dune Stalker for more flanking or Giant Bat to make sure you keep your health advantage vs aggro decks.

Guide and more information coming soon.

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Do you still find CTC providing strong enough value?

Vinther 2 weeks ago
GymClassHero wrote:
Do you still find CTC providing strong enough value?

Yes, but you have to play her differently now. Instead of putting her on the table alone, you should wait until you have enough actions to beef her up. For an example, play her before you plan to play a bunch of actions, for Swindlers Market or removal/wards.

JrM 1 week ago
Nice deck here.

I change Swindler’s Market for Telvanni Arcanist cause the card stay all games in my hand. And I think that Smuggler’s Haul has not enought value in “late game” but it’s acceptable for a low cost deck.

Vinther 1 week ago
Smuggler’s Haul is the key for this deck to combo with Market/Hexmages/CTC. It is extremely powerful if played at right moment.

jaaqov 1 week ago
Looking forwad to build the deck, just started with ES:L – any ideas which cards I should craft first?

Vinther 1 week ago
I would go with minion cards first and actions later, though all actions are universal for most decks.

It may not be the easiest deck to start with, it requires a bit of knowledge when to play what, but it’s definitely a viable budget deck to get off to a good start with some practice.

I personally started with very similar deck and had great success all the way to Legend, that’s why I am making Assassin decks mainly :)

1 Reply
jaaqov 1 week ago
Ahh I see, thanks for the reply!
Well I just looked for “lowcost” builds and this one looked fun.
Would it be possible to write a little bit abou the synergie of some cards in the deck or what to play when :)?

Really solid, cheap deck ;) Played around 30-40 games and w/r is preeetty good.

Vinther 1 week ago
ToJestNapad wrote:
Really solid, cheap deck ;) Played around 30-40 games and w/r is preeetty good.


I really wish I had time to compile a proper guide for this deck and some other ones I have posted, but I am just so busy with work, I barely have any time to spend on ESL :(

Where i can get expect buying a collection?

Vinther 6 days ago
Ihor Halian wrote:
Where i can get expect buying a collection?

Are you not able to craft them? If you click on “show all cards” and navigate to the Green(Agility) tab, you should find it there.

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