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liquidputin’s Legendary Scout Value

1 [card]Ungolim the Listener[/card]
3 [card]Fighters Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Murkwater Witch[/card]
3 [card]Thieves Guild Recruit[/card]
3 [card]Wind Keep Spellsword[/card]
3 [card]Crushing Blow[/card]
3 [card]House Kinsman[/card]
2 [card]Mummify[/card]
3 [card]Varanis Courier[/card]
3 [card]Black Marsh Warden[/card]
2 [card]Moonlight Werebat[/card]
3 [card]Preserver of the Root[/card]
3 [card]Leaflurker[/card]
3 [card]Shadowfen Priest[/card]
3 [card]Thorn Histmage[/card]
3 [card]Chaurus Reaper[/card]
1 [card]Nahagliiv[/card]
2 [card]Blood Magic Lord[/card]
1 [card]Red Bramman[/card]
1 [card]Tazkad the Packmaster[/card]
1 [card]Iron Atronach[/card]
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By: liquidputin
View other Decks by liquidputin
Posted: 3 years ago
Updated: 3 years ago
Outdated (Beta patch)
Crafting Cost: 20200crystal-3894532
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Hello! I am liquidputin and this is my Scout thing… deck. I have taken huge inspiration from thejustinlarson’s $coutRamp (I want to link his list here for you… but I cant seem to make it work) and made a few minor tweaks of my own. Mainly my list is focused on playing durable minions each turn in order to out value your opponent.
This deck is very simple. You want to play on curve in order to keep your hand full with answers and mainly respond to your opponents plays in order to maintain a value gap and thus slowly snowball out of control. For example if your opponent has not made a play yet and you have a fighters guild recruit you should keep your hands on it rather than play it out just for the tempo. Against aggressive decks try to funnel them into lanes with taunts and lethal creatures and then hit them with a chaurus reaper . Late game you will eventually stick a bomb or overwhelm them with smaller drops and then can push for lethal.
When playing this deck its very important not to get too face-happy if you gain an early lead; especially vs control Mage or any other removal heavy archetype! The main goal is value! You want to out value your opponent by forcing them to use removal and play on the back foot while their resources dwindle. Then, while they are top decking slowly build up a force til you have the opportunity to go for lethal without a prophecy being the end of you. For example if you have 21dmg on board and they are at 21 but if you procked a Piercing Javelin and that would lead to you potentially losing then instead just keep building board and clearing their plays.

Update 8/24/16 Removes the Hist Speaker for Moonlight Werebat. This change was once again the idea of thejustinlarson but with our Soulrest Marshal plan and the state of the meta I could not have agreed with him more and have followed suit!

Update 8/25/16 Taking the meta in mind and the advice of Haze the deck has had a major facelift. Check the deck description for details as it has been rewritten.

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Haze 3 years ago
Truly interesting ! I would like to test it but I lack couple cards like black marsh and kinsman… Btw do you really feel black marsh as a staple in this kind of deck ? I feel like it is a bit weak to aoes and other stuffs. I’ll do my best to test it asap ! Thx !

6 Replies
Thank you very much! Sadly the deck does have a heavy card requirement but that seems to be a ramp downside. The Black Marsh Kinsman does very well actually! Against token and more aggro decks being able to drop it on turn 4 in the shadow lane and start making your own 1/1s to combat their token generation is very useful. Against control if it eats removal your bigger creatures are more likely to stick and win the game and even if they kill it you have a 3/3. Late game, against control its also very good cause if they have been using their control spells and dont have an answer for this card. It can spiral out of control for them to deal with. Even if they draw removal the next turn you get two 3/3s etc.
Thank you so much for your interest! If you get a chance to play it I would love to hear more! bigsmile-5283448

Haze 3 years ago
It will be a question of something like a week or 2 but yeah I surely gonna come back with an insight. You explanation about marsh is interesting and, I think accurate. I poped legend with a twisted justinlarson’s list and I liked the principle. Keep it up !

Haze 3 years ago
If I could add something is, imho, playing 52 cards is a bit of a downside. It reduce the consistency of the deck. Do you think there is way to sub 2 cards to stick to 50 cards ? At the first glance I’d say that Werebats are not as a staple here. You want to play your soulrest Marshal asap (like turn 5 or so) which makes the werebat useful only turn 4 or so. Otherwise, I’d sub the 2 soulrest marshal. It’s a theorical point of view given that I did not test it atm bigsmile-5283448. From my experience in tcg sticking to the smaller deck is always the best way to succeed with it !
I’d like your point of view on this one !

Oh you are 100% correct! I do intend to cut down to 50 cards but at the moment its still very close to me as to which cards deserve to stay and which should go. I have been thinking of cutting a mummify but other then that I have no idea what else I would cut. The werebats are too new for me to cut yet and again thejustinlarson’s reasoning for running them is very solid and they do synergize in this deck very well as well as provide us more prophecy plays so I’ll have to play the deck some more before I can make a decision on them myself. Thank you for the feedback I very much appreciate it! Between myself and the deck community on this site I’m sure we can make a ramp deck with a fun twist that’s just right!

Haze 3 years ago
I’ve been thinking about that before sleeping haha. And yeah werebats allow you to play prophecies which is a good tempo swing so I’ve been wrong to say that in the first hand. Mummify is quite the same very good removal and playable in prophecy I don’t think is a good thing to sub them. The more I think about it the more I’m sure about subbing soulrest marshal. Aggainst aggro you proly won’t have enough life to proc it (I might be wrong tho) so having a 4/4 for 5 really sucks. With 52 you reduce the fact that you will have healing cards along the SM. And against midrange or control I don’t think you need this kind of tempo swing. You just need to outvalue your opponent and IMHO you don’t play that way by playing a 4/4 for 5. In addition you won’t overextend against control thereby you play around AoEs like dawn’s wrath, Ice strom etc !

I have been doing a lot of testing and you had many good points on the Soulrest Marshals. The deck has had a pretty big overhaul and its performance has increased greatly. However the overall theme has changed so I have updated the description as well.

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