Weapons are insane

weapons-are-insane Thread
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MacDermot 2 days ago
Weapons, or items as they’re called, are straight up broken. The real offenders are the cheap ones, Steel Scimitar and Legion Shield and the like. Since all the removal this game has is either creatures with leathal or 5-mana Piercing Javelin, there’s litle punish for just buffing the hell out of your turn 2 (or one) Rihad Horseman and swinging in for 10+ damage on turn 3. And speaking of Rihads, his buddy the battlemage is also comlpetely busted. It’s not hard buffing theese guys (since plunder is a thing) and the reward is so huge. Playing Strength/Intelligence with wepons – even my own not-even-close-to-optimised version just feels easy.

I guess this is also helped by the fact that aggro is so strong right now.

1 Comment

I believe Aggro will always be strong. One of the reasons behind its superiority, though, is due to the game being brand new. No one flocks straight up to the control decks, especially if they want to climb ladder. Zoo decks are also really punishing due to there not being much AoE or just spells at the current moment when facing others.

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