Unable to add cards, popup says I have to log-in even though I am logged in

unable-to-add-cards-popup-says-i-have-to-log-in-even-though-i-am-logged-in Thread
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sandel 1 month ago

Tried to add a card to my collection today, but even though I am reported as being logged in (top-right corner), whenever I try to add a card, the pop-up is telling me “Oops! You must be logged in to save your collection! You really should do it. Life is better when logged in.”

Might be related, but the ‘log out’ button does not seem to do anything (top-right still reports me as being logged in).

Things I have tried: ‘Incognito Mode’ in Chrome; switching over to Firefox and logging in there. Both had the same result (unable to add card).

Could someone please let me know if this is happening for them as well?


1 Comment

sandel 1 month ago
after randomly trying, adding the card worked just now. I’ll post here if I see this behavior again.

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