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[Just Legend] Undying Dragons V2.5

3 [card]Execute[/card]
3 [card]Bruma Profiteer[/card]
2 [card]Mummify[/card]
3 [card]Soul Tear[/card]
3 [card]Tree Minder[/card]
3 [card]Cloudrest Illusionist[/card]
2 [card]Devour[/card]
3 [card]Edict of Azura[/card]
3 [card]Hist Grove[/card]
3 [card]Hive Defender[/card]
3 [card]Knight of the Hour[/card]
1 [card]Lydia[/card]
3 [card]Piercing Javelin[/card]
3 [card]Spine of Eldersblood[/card]
2 [card]Undying Dragon[/card]
1 [card]Nahagliiv[/card]
2 [card]Dawn’s Wrath[/card]
1 [card]Blood Magic Lord[/card]
3 [card]Mantikora[/card]
1 [card]Miraak, Dragonborn[/card]
1 [card]Odahviing[/card]
1 [card]Paarthurnax[/card]
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By: AtroNach_AtroNa…
View other Decks by AtroNach_AtroNach_
Posted: 2 years ago
Updated: 1 year ago
Outdated (Morrowind patch)
Crafting Cost: 18850crystal-2753404
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V3 made to counter the super greed tribunal meta is out.
Here’s the link
V2.6 — 2017.08.24
Removed: Preserverof the Root, Devour
Added: Miraak, Mummify
V2.5 GRAND MELEE— 2017.07.30
Removed: Preserver of the Root
Added: Lydia
Notes: Thanks to Jonathan Blake for making the suggestion in the comments. It is much better for stopping aggression than Preserver of the Root as it is a guard on turn 5 instead of turn 7 and has a higher health total. Drawing it really against aggro really made the match up easier. It also has synergy with the ramp plan as it can be curved out after a 3 magicka ramp.
V2.4 Stream Run — 2017.07.24
*WINRATE: 12:4 — Peak Rank: #12 — Final Rank: Legend #14
V2.4 Stream Run — 2017.07.27
Removed: Crushing Blow
Added: Mummify
*WINRATE: 18:9 — Peak Rank: #3 — Final Rank: Legend #11
Notes: A one-of crushing blow helped sometimes but wasn’t really the consistent backbone of the anticurve. Therefore I felt it more appropriate to use the slot as a counter to Paarthurnax vs Scout as it’s still realistically possible to draw a one-of vs control within the top half of your deck. Also, Mummify felt better than Crushing Blow vs Sorcerer, and being a prophecy helps too.
V2.3 Stream Run — 2017.07.25
*WINRATE: 10:2 — Peak Rank: #7 — Final Rank: Legend #7
V2.3 Stream Run — 2017.07.24
*WINRATE: 8:4 — Peak Rank: #12 — Final Rank: Legend #17
V2.3 Change Notes — 2017.07.24
Removed: Shadowfen Priest
Added: Undying Dragon
*WINRATE: 13:8 — Peak Rank: NA(forgot to record) — Final Rank: Legend #21
Notes: Silence is rarely relevant. Edict of Azura can remove supports. Wanted consistent drain. Also wanted more proactive options vs control or top-deck war. The first few games of this run ran Alduin in place of a Dawn’s Wrath so data is not perfect.
V2.2 Change Notes — 2017.07.21
Removed: Alduin, Crushing Blow, Skeletal Dragon
Added: Dawn’s Wrath x2, Edict of Azura
*WINRATE: 12:8 — Peak Rank: Legend #10 — Final Rank: Legend #22
Hey guys! AtroNach_AtroNach here!
This is the second version of my Undying Dragons deck and this time, it does include Hive Defender!
The winrate for this deck today was 9 wins and 4 losses and I ended the day on Legend #20. here’s some proof

This deck is one of the few decks that can out-value a scout if you play your cards right. The major weakness of this deck is that, being a spellsword, it severely lacks card draw. Therefore you have to make the call on how you want to use each card to the fullest and sometimes allow the aggressive opponent to break runes as long as you have the tools to not let things get out of control!

I’m releasing the deck as I used it on ladder but there are a few things I may change if I had the cards. I’d probably put in a third Edict of Azura in place of the third Devour as it’s better for the same cost. Sometimes getting a Charge or Ward on a dragon can be really good but it’s not reliable enough to pick Devour over an Edict of Azura especially when the meta has a lot of Ramp Scout and and Sorcerer’s run Corrupted Shade.

Likewise I’d also probably add in another Undying Dragon if I had one in place of Skeletal Dragon. There are a lot of situations where I use Soul Tear for my Undying Dragon to get access to drain so I think I’d feel better if I just had 2 and Skeletal Dragon has proven to be inconsistent. I suggest running a second Blood Magic Lord or an Undying Dragon.

Alduin is our backup win condition against scout, but to be honest is only used in 5% of games so it may be better to replace it with a Blood Magic Lord, Undying Dragon, or Skeletal Dragon. How to pick which depends on the ^above paragraph^ logic.
Someone asked about Miraak, Dragonborn, and it is my personal opinion that we have such an abundance of removal that Miraak would be redundant. It’s also only good vs control, so I’d rather use Undying Dragon which is good for vs control and good vs aggressors when you need the drain.

If the meta speeds up compared to when I write this, you can also consider running Grisly Gourmet, or cut a Spine of the Eldersblood and Alduin. The reason I choose Execute over Grisly Gourmet is that it combos more easily with Cloudrest Illusionist and because a lot of aggro decks are capable of buffing and utilizing the Sweet Roll.

TLDR: replace a devour with a third edict of azura and have fun

Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions!
I also stream TES:Legends on Twitch so come check it out if you’re interested or want to see the deck in action!
Link to my channel!

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Instead of the devours, I would try and test putting the Piercing Javelins in its place. I never felt that I benefited enough from the Devours.

1 Reply
Thanks for the input!
However there are already 3 Piercing Javelins. The devours aren’t there to replace anything. They are just more removal options that have the upside of synergy with Cloudrest Illusionist. The dragon synergy is not even really considered. It’s there to remove things like Mystic Dragon, Daggerfall Mage, Young Mammoth etc. that are hard to remove without a lightning bolt or an execute in hand.

Also, I do in fact recommend only using 2 Devours and including a third Edict of Azura.

(In slower matchups, you get the luxury to use it selectively to buff your dragons)

AtroNach_AtroNach_ wrote:
Thanks for the input!
However there are already 3 Piercing Javelins. The devours aren’t there to replace anything. They are just more removal options that have the upside of synergy with Cloudrest Illusionist. The dragon synergy is not even really considered. It’s there to remove things like Mystic Dragon, Daggerfall Mage, Young Mammoth etc. that are hard to remove without a lightning bolt or an execute in hand.

Also, I do in fact recommend only using 2 Devours and including a third Edict of Azura.

(In slower matchups, you get the luxury to use it selectively to buff your dragons)

Whoops, I didn’t see them in the card list. My eyes must have skipped over it.

1 Reply
No prob! I feel the deck can still be further perfected, so feel free to experiment with your own ideas, and hopefully we’ll have a version 3 in a couple of weeks.

KO63OH 2 years ago
plz build anti-scout version ))

1 Reply
I beat all scouts that I met today I think smile-6683905
The support removal helps

18:8 to get to legend smile-6683905

1 Reply
That’s awesome! Props to you and congratulations!

nitramka 2 years ago
Is it normal that I am sweating like an animal and wetting my pants from turn 1 to turn 4 ?
With 3 availalbe drops for round 2 and 3 (Burma/Tree Minder), I am so afraid ….

1 Reply
It’s okay, just keep calm and manage your resources. Both GymClassHero and I have a lot of games where we get pressured at first but the opponent runs out of steam while we keep removing and ramping and drawing from rune breaks.
On the other hand, if we draw all of our removals and ramps on curve, we’ve had experiences of just completely shutting down aggression even against high legend midrange sorcerers.
So yeah, it’s not the best aggro counter there is, but it’s definitely viable.
Good luck!

KO63OH 2 years ago
AtroNach_AtroNach_ wrote:
I beat all scouts that I met today I think smile-6683905
The support removal helps

if -devour +edict -mantikora +miraak ? (and -execute +undying dragon)

1 Reply
well V2.2 already runs 3 edicts by taking out a crushing blow.
I think the deck already fares well enough against scouts with the addition of Dawn’s Wrath.
Mantikora really allows consistent stabilization as it is removal and a guard, and is more reachable with ramps as it costs 1 less magicka than Miraak. GymClassHero’s version does run Miraak but he does so by taking out Undying Dragon. I think we both agree that 3 Mantikora is a must.

KO63OH 2 years ago
why 3x devour for 7x dragons?

2 Replies
nitramka 2 years ago
…”I’d probably put in a third Edict of Azura in place of the third Devour as it’s better for the same cost. Sometimes getting a Charge or Ward on a dragon can be really good but it’s not reliable enough to pick Devour over an Edict of Azura especially when the meta has a lot of Ramp Scout and and Sorcerer’s run Corrupted Shade.”…

Devour is not really there for dragon synergy. It’s there for early game removal. I felt the meta had plenty of targets for a pseudo-lighting bolt/bigger execute (Mystic Dragon, Young Mammoth, Shearpoint Dragon, Woodland Lookout, Thorn Histmage, Daggerfall Mage, etc)
That’s my reasoning behind it’s use but there could be better substitute that I haven’t found so feel free to experiment.
I’m not going to pretend like I know everything. I will just continue to post my changes and winrates in the deck description so check that out. My most recent version (V2.2) keeps 3 Devours and had a winrate of 60%, played between Legend #25 and Legend #10.
Always feel free to ask questions, I’ll keep trying to answer with the best of my ability.

AtroNach_AtroNach_ wrote:
It’s okay, just keep calm and manage your resources. Both GymClassHero and I have a lot of games where we get pressured at first but the opponent runs out of steam while we keep removing and ramping and drawing from rune breaks.
On the other hand, if we draw all of our removals and ramps on curve, we’ve had experiences of just completely shutting down aggression even against high legend midrange sorcerers.
So yeah, it’s not the best aggro counter there is, but it’s definitely viable.
Good luck!

I played against this deck (AlexKGB) in the legend ladder today, I was running mage, and until turn 7 I felt like I had the game under control. As I ran out of cards, his deck started to develop and in two turns I lost complete control of the game. Kudos, it’s a nice build.

1 Reply
Thanks for the kudos!
Worked pretty hard on the deck so it always feel good to be appreciated!

This is a pretty great deck here, only complaint I have is due to not including Alduin, although I can see why he didnt make the cut in this perticular deck because of the lack of the surplus of dragons.

1 Reply
TLDR Answer: I’m gonna test using Alduin again for reasons. smile-6683905
Long Answer:
I used to run Alduin in the original version but took it out to make Dawn’s Wrath more consistent. But I’m actually considering putting Alduin back in for some test runs. While Dawn’s Wrath has performed pretty well for me, I have run into 3 problems: 1. too many reactive cards (and late game ones at that) means developing my own board is that much slower, 2. turn 8 is often a turn that I may choose to ramp for a Mantikora on the following turn, and 3. 8 magicka often has enough plays that Dawn’s Wrath is redundant due to our abundant 4 drops (and combination of Devour, Cloudrest Illusionist, Hive Defender, Edict of Azura, and Preserver of the Root)
Because of ramp, Alduin does not need to many dragons dead to played so I don’t think not having excess dragons is too bad. Sure it’s difficult to get it to 10 magicka by turn 10 but that would be the same for a dragon filled deck. In this deck, we can get to 14 or 16 magicka pretty quickly and having 2 or 3 dragons dead by then is not too hard. So in the end the availability of an Alduin drop should be pretty okay.

Really enjoying the deck. Was running something similar, since i am a huge Spellsword fan, ever since the game came out. Made some slight adjustments, sinc ei like your version a lil better, just not really sure if i need the Crushing Blow, so i might switch that one out for something else.
Good work so far, i hope you keep on updating!

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